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Our Team Members

Tumblewood Lapidary Club

Located In Bedrock Studios

Have you ever wanted to learn more about rocks? Minerals? Fossils? The Tumblewood Lapidary Club is now located in our studio space!

Come spend time with the rock hounds of the Edmonton Tumblewood Lapidary Club! This club provides a learning environment helping people new to the hobby expand their knowledge. Learn about rocks, minerals, fossils, and gemstones. Along with how to cut, polish, and use lapidary materials including gemstones for jewellery. Learning is achieved in a variety of methods such as, the ETLC shop, fieldtrips, workshops, educational presentations, shows, collaboration, and social activities among members. Club membership is open to all individuals who have an interest in lapidary. The Edmonton Tumblewood Lapidary Club is a registered, not for profit society, dedicated to promoting the lapidary hobby within Edmonton and surrounding areas.


Meetings are held Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7–9 PM, and on the second and fourth Saturday of each month 1–5 PM, from September through May. The Location will be listed on the website:


Annual Dues: Family $45 Individual $35

The lapidary workshop is fully equipped and available for member use two days a week. Training is provided and classes are offered. Shop fees are based on a drop-in fee of $5/ hour


The Tumblewood Lapidary Club is operated independently of Bedrock Supply.

Contact them Directly:




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